Tuesday, February 8, 2011


With the first ray of sunshine
In the morning, dawns her beautiful smile

Her light is shining in my eyes
Can’t help but smile, while I incline clockwise

If you close your eyes to picture the scene
Let go of all prejudice, paint a new theme

Heblayo, inner beauty reflected on the outside
Tell me about your life and your parent’s pride

“The land I call home didn’t witness yet a snow flake
Rivers refused to flow, so we float to the nearest lake

Rain season followed by a dry season
Life, I don’t need another reason

So – Mal – Go – Milk – for the travelling child
Women dressed colourful – dressed with pride

Nomads living side by side
With the wild

Dromedary graze
While my father prays

What a relief when the heart hurts”

Heblayo, your picture brought us closer together
The horizon paints endless, cherishs sunset forever

“Let’s turn our heads northwards
The night sky our only map, combined with my grandparent's words

The rain blessed the northern hemisphere
Thirst is a condition we never feared

La ilaha ilAllah!
The Merciful our only provider.’

That’s what my uncle said
On this journey, he led the way

The sun settled, we settled down for the night
The campfire and tales come to life, heroes are in sight

Mahmah’ Somali proverbs giving guidance
Poetry made delicate, feelings felt so intense

Described – every scent
Sins – want to repent”

Heblayo, your face shone with delight
Tell me once more about your people at the height

Of their fame
Heblayo, what's your name?

With the last ray of sunshine
In the evening, rests her beautiful smile

Her light is shining in my eyes
Can’t help but smile, while I incline clockwise

Pen 'N' Paper
Copyright © 2011

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