Ya Allah this Ramadan
Help me to come in terms with my faults
And the ability to accept and learn from them
Ya Allah this Ramadan
Open my eyes to the reality
And truth
Even when the truth is bitter to swallow
Help me to seek your guidance above all
And only adhere to the path that will gain your blessingsand mercy
Ya Allah this Ramadan
Let it be the month I learn to forgive those who wrongedme
Seek forgiveness from those I have wronged
And remove all hatred and envious feelings from my heart
Ya Allah let this Ramadan be the time
I stand firm for things I believe in
Never turn away from the truth and what is right
And never do the slightest harm to my family and thosedear to me
Ya Allah let this Ramadan be the month
I establish a stronger, deeper, sincere, truthful, andsignificant relationship with the Qur'an and my Creator
Ya Allah let this Ramadan
Be the Ramadan
I learn to live in the Ramadan Spirit long after it'sgone and until we are reunited next year, inshAllah
Halima Ahmed
Copyright © 2010
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