Speak English German
That’s what I hear
My nickname Herman
Still, some people fear
My opinion, said Mehmet
My story to stir
The heart, which I couldn't neglect
Adnan, was his name, his father a Turk
As teenager, we would hang out every day
When it came to friendship, background didn’t lurk
At the back of our mind, so he would stay
My best friend and my kind to that very moment
Where new things came to his life and change
The way he treated his friends, as if everything came to an end
He kept us on distance, friendship was out of range
I didn’t ask but thought, well, there’s no other way
I have to respect his choice and let him go.
Mehmet was the one, who wouldn’t let me say
That Adnan changed, who has been very low
Adnan was in a low state of mind
There were issues I didn't see, maybe I was blind
His passport name Erhan, family name Bilgin
His family at crossroads, what will tomorrow bring
Grinding with teeth, as he is facing deportation
Back to Turkey
Germany was home, since Turkey was never his destination
'We can't bury our heads in the sand but need to hurry'
That's what Mehmet said
That's how much friendship never got mislaid
Being put in a situation, where we didn’t know what to do
We could only tell the family 'We stand by you'
Heard for the first time, his family classed as immigrant workers
Always saw them as my neighbours, never as foreigners
1961 is when his father was offered work in Germany
Working and living here with his family
That’s what many immigrant workers were hoping for
After all those years, hardship was still in store
Immigration is an issue on both sides
Each party thinking, the other is telling lies
Immigrants tainting other immigrants name
Country of immigration is forced to treat them the same
So who is to blame, who is doing wrong?
It’s a difficult issue, debated for so long!
These were the 1980s: United Kingdom and France
United States and Canada, immigrants given their chance
Issues with immigrants
In the news, always the same rants
Left home and friends
That’s how the story ends
Adnan spoke German
Born in Germany, unlike Herman
He got deported, unlike Mehmet Derman
P.S. Here an excerpt of Adnan's letter
Dear Mehmet, life turned to the better
Turkey became home
Friends and family, I'm not on my own
Learnt in school about Turkey's agreement
with Germany: That's how the story would end
Speak Turkish German
That’s what I hear
My nickname Herman
Still, some people fear
My opinion, said Pen 'N' Paper
My story to stir
The hearts, be my guest and neighbour
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Erhan Bilgin
Pen 'N' Paper
Copyright © 2010
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