Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Undignified Demeanor

A little over two decades ago, on a windy sunny morning,
      I was born in a place called ARESA;
My mother trying to handle afterpains slightly groaning,
     the mothers helping told her it is a boy and such a TEASER;
And true to their word, I swallowed e'thing in the spirit of growing,
     childhood memories filled with instances of total PLEASER;
A contrast on how I currently perceive situations leave me moaning,
     yearning for a sign to deliver me from being a TRANSGRESSOR;

I try to make a meaning of all the undignified demeanor,
     try to comfort myself that all is going as it should BE;
Stories in the news pierce my relative peace, shuttering my comfort zone: am in utter stupor,
     from the little crib crouched behind a screen in nairoBI;
I try to picture the hopelessness a mother endures as she struggles to stay alive at the base of a boulder,
    then I realize there is nothing in order: life's become blobBY;
I can no longer afford to be indifferent, I should join the call to condemn the state of horror,
    the twaddler's aside, now's the time to engage a wannaBE;

I am sickened to the core when elders froth their tribal inclination, a connotation of a lot similar to a pagan,
    I'm left bleeding inside leaving my entrails entirely RESTIVE;
Lessons are never learned, blessings are heaped on a youth lost in vanities , encouraged on an act befitting a hooligan,
    I bear the conviction to go against a practice so DESTRUCTIVE;
All around, acts seem that of souls decanted, evidenced by the rapport of the tergiversators tribally smeared slogan,
    I loathe how the idea has been used as a tool MANIPULATIVE;
Now is the time to put an end to this profane colossal ignorance, lest we continue living a life of shame and of a bogan,
    or tell me, are we waiting for anyone to put us into PERSPECTIVE;

All I inherited from my ancestors is an ideology that eats me from within, I wonder why they failed to read,
    why they'd not built libraries, in readiness for a millenary POMP;
Time to reverse the mistakes of the past, educate myself and of my kin, not leave them at  the mercy of an ignorant greed,
    I'll tirelessly mentor them till they are proficient in their COMP;
I implore your help in this, let's join voices and venture into the future with a unity unshaken: I take your silence to mean it's a matter agreed,
    if we put our heart into this, it's a matter that easily ends in a ROMP:

Abdulaziz Muhammad
Copyright © 2011

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