Friday, March 15, 2013

Poet of the week (POW): Ahmed Knowmadic

Would you please introduce yourself to the readers?

Hi readers, How are you? I'm good thanks. My name is Ahmed Ali, but I go by Ahmed Knowmadic. Why? I'm moving from place to place herding my words, seeking knowledge. It also gets people to ask about it, which in turn gives me the opportunity to tell them about Somali people and their nomadic lifestyle.

When did you first start writing poetry and were there any particular incidents in your life that inspired you to write?

My first recollection of writing for the purpose of poetry was around age 18. However, I enjoyed word games and would work hard to write during ESL [English as a second language] class at around the age of 12.

What does "being creative" mean to you?

It means expressing your inner thoughts. It's not news, we all have voices and images in our heads (don't try to deny it -_-) Being able to formulate those very same thoughts and images to produce something that is authentically yours is creative.

What do you try to communicate with your poetry?

My truth. I want to share my honest opinion.

what do you do when you go into a dry spell of some sort or how do you write another piece when you have been away from it for some time?

With the exception of few, every poem I write has already been worked on before it even reaches paper. I rarely sit and write a poem. Instead, I read about the topic of my poem, watch documentaries about it and ask people for their opinion. These exercises generate ideas. I write those ideas down into my phone. After I have gathered enough ideas, I compile all my ideas and write them down into a poem. I have several poems going simultaneously. The poems I have on my website are the exception. For that reason I do not go through dry spells.

Who are some of your favorite poets?

 Titilope Sonuga Mary Pinkoski and many more

What advice do you have for aspiring poets?

Be yourself. Don't try to be like someone. There are 7 billion other people, there is only one you. People are waiting to hear your poetry. You might think you are not a good enough poet, but what is a "good poet" anyway? There a hundreds, if not thousands waiting to hear your poetry, share when you are ready.

Any word of advice for closet poets?

Write your way out of the closet when you are ready. Don't be pressured to share your truths if you aren't ready. But when you are... Beat people with those words like my aabo beat me with clothes hangers (Not true, he never hit me...)

Anything else you would like to share?

My words are as powerful as the one that gives them meaning. So thank you for giving my words your time. God bless you for reading this and giving me the opportunity to remind you of how merciful Allah is.

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