Bleeding through the holes in his shoes
Blisters on his bare hands
The cracks in his feet sting
The birds oblivious continue to sing
He cries can’t hold back the tears
He is hurting, he is in pain
The weather oblivious it starts to rain
The days he counts down, its almost Eid
Burning wood fire by the camp
Blissfully laughs when his mother approaches
The dawn chases the night away
The day he long awaited has arrived
He gets his gift anxious as pirate at the gates of his treasure
He hoped it was a new pair of shoes so the pain would stop
He hoped it was a warm sheet to keep the harsh cold out
He hoped it was a trip to visit the city with his father
He hoped it was a day off from work, a day to play
He hoped it was sweets from far off lands
His father handed it to him
His quivering hands reached out for it
He held it delicately, as though fragile as an egg
He held in his breath, overwhelmed by excitement
He opened the white piece of cloth
Teary eyed he looked up at his father
Take that and hold it to your chest said his old man
Trembling and trying to stay composed he does as ordered
Tightly boy don’t let them ever fall to the ground
Take my hand, and tread this way with me
Take heed of my words child, this is a lesson of life
This gift I gave you, the greatest thing I could ever give you
This might not be visible to you now but the day shall come when it is
This pen and paper will not shelter you now
They will not give you warmth from the cold
They ill not plug the holes in your shoes
They will not sweeten your mouth
Think not that I am unaware of what troubles you
This pen and paper will take you further
This pen and paper ensure your future
Their fruits you shall reap for years to come
This pen and paper will cover the feet of your children
This pen and paper will put a new shawl on your frail mother’s back
This pen and paper will earn you respect in every walk of life
This pen and paper will sweeten your life
This pen and paper will shelter you and those you love from the cold
The problems you face now I could have fixed
The problems solutions would only be temporary
This is me fixing them permanently
Told you my reason, tell me now son are you still sad?
Like the earthquake tearing across the earth
Lightening smile moves across his small and beautiful face
Lungs forward to hug his father, and with three small words
The tears move from the sons eyes to his fathers
I love you papa !
Famo A. L
Copyright © 2010
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