Sunday, May 30, 2010

The power of education

Before I went to college
I was an uneducated man
I was an unwanted man
I was an unemployed man
I was an unwelcomed man
I was an immigrant man
I was an accented man.

Before I went to college
I was a poor man
I was a classified man
I was a black man
I was a Muslim man
I was a short man
I was a blind man.

Before I went to college
I was scared of my own future
I was in the dark house of illiteracy
I was dissatisfied with minimum wage
I was keyless to open my closed doors
I was peeved with my minimized options
I was desperate for higher education.

Before I went to college
I had doubts about my abilities
My dreams sounded impractical
And an unrealistic world of aims
But I at least dared to dream
To go to college and graduated
And now feel deep empowerment.

After I finished a college, I have realized,
Education opened the closed doors
Education eliminated my illiteracy
Education enhance my intellectuality
Education enabled me to feel that,
I am still black man and very proud
Education dearly enabled me to feel
I am still a black man and very pleased.

After I finished a college, I have realized
Education allowed me to understand that,
I am still an immigrant and very accomplished
Education allowed me comprehend that,
I am no longer an ill-informed illiterate man
Illiteracy was the perpetrator of fear and false flags
For, I do not live in fear of being inferior
And I deeply appreciate my potential abilities.

After college, I have realized
It was the best decision I have ever made
It was the right moment Allah blessed me
But it was never too late, feel VESTED
And it is never too late for anyone
To be brave and dare to dream
O you, the youth of Soomaal!
Shall you write your own destiny?
With the power of higher education

O' you, the youth of Soomaal!
Since the power of education changes lives
May you accomplish your calling dreams?
May you determine your own righteous paths?
With gracious perspicacity of higher knowledge
You will relish the empowerment of education
You will not be living in fear of being discriminated
And rather have tools to compete and dominate
With the rest of the world to rebuild your nation.

Faisal Abdi
Copyright © 2010

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