As you read this poem and read the first word of every stanza (Love, Values, Unity and Revolt) think of ONE word that when you play around with gives you these FOUR profound and empowering words!
Love for the human conditions should be the link that ties us together
Although we might be different
And like gardens
We are nonetheless
Who are not wild?
We are people
Who hold sheer human emotions in their hearts
We all yearn for basic human understanding and acceptance
To gain basic human rights
Value of what’s right and wrong
Just and unjust
Bias and unbiased
Are the common denominator
That should upheaval the slightest desire
To steal
In order to claim your freedom
Unity for the sake of better world
And, no am not talking about a perfect world
For perfection is overrated
Am talking about a peaceful world
Where you and I can walk side by side
Without being threaten by the ideas
Engraved in our subconscious
The ideas that suggest
Your freedom must mean my oppression
And my happiness must mean your misery
Revolt against all the forces that tell you otherwise
Claim your own ideas
Embed your values with ideas you think are just
Think for yourself
Free your mind
And revolt against the forces that oppress others
For when you keep your mouth shut about their oppression
No one will come to your rescue in your times of need
Love, Value, Unity and Revolt
Do these mere words ring any bell in your enslaved mind?
The mind that has told not to think
But rather to just obey
And heed to the warnings, false warnings, of politicians and media
Each one of these words
Are engraved in a word that we all chant
Too often claim
Too often embrace
Too often preach
But never practice
Ever heard of something called revolutionary?
Revolutionary warriors
Revolutionary ideas
Revolutionary Rebels
Revolutionary you and I
Study it
Comprehend it
Embrace it
Break down revolutionary
And you shall get
Inspired by RAP (He mentioned the first (love) and third word (Unity) I added the second (value) and fourth word (revolt) - RAP is one of the inmates my group and I have been working with for book discussions and poetry workshops.
Halima Ahmed
Copyright © 2010
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