In young age
I choose this way, the bad way
I mean the Marjuana way
Skiping school, waiting for my turn
John says today is your first day
Your not gonna get a buff, he says I'm getting high
Wrap it up for us, and get ready to deliver
To the man on black hoody at 24th and death
I wonder if this could be a career for me
When I come home, mom says how was class today son
I say different people I saw, none of them I know
Mom, the teachers were kind to me
I've done my home work on time, but I didn't get high
I mean I didn't had time out, now I'm tired
Mom get confused, tells everything to daddy
He gets the hint high, comes into my room angry
I say dad I choose the wrong path, the Marjuana way
He Gets worried, takes me straight to my family doctor
He says, I've the cure don't worry
It's called MMML
(medical marjuana memory loss) I'm excited now
But dead inside, my brain black, short memory
It's MMML (medical marjuana memory loss) now I detect the problem by myself
I want to get back on track, no more MMML, I wake up on time
Everybody is happy with me, I know what made me choose that path, my childish and ignorance
When I can do better Why MMML?
You see we're all human, and make mistakes!
Now I'm normal kid, but with age I recovered
Let's say no to MMl medical marjuana memory loss!
Ahmed Abdi
Copyright ©2011
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